Hi! My name is Kevin.
I am a Software Engineer.

I am a former civil engineer turned software engineer.
I once built dams and foundations with concrete, but now I build
web applications utilizing Ruby on Rails, React/Redux.js, PostgreSQL, and many more!



    A Trello-inspired project management website created using React-Redux, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL

  • Designed a normalized application state by employing Active Record Associations among the board, list, card, and comment models and by using JBuilder to output all lists, cards, and comments associated to a board
  • Applied React-Beautiful-Dnd for a drag and drop feature, and reflected re-ordering of lists and cards made in the frontend to persist in the backend by updating the list and card order arrays with Ajax requests
  • Implemented AWS S3 Hosting for users to post, update, and display their profile pictures in React and secured the access to the database by using the Rails encryption pattern to protect the keys and credentials

    Melting Pot

    A social media web application collaboratively developed with MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js

  • Coordinated with three other team members and used feature branch Git workflow to simultaneously create different features for the application
  • Architected the recipe feature by utilizing Axios requests, allowing users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) a recipe, and connected the application to MongoDB using mongoose to store all data
  • Installed additional API routes with Express.js for the Like model, retrieved all likes associated with a recipe id, and displayed the number of likes on its show page

    UC College Town Facts

    A scroller web application with data visualization developed by using JavaScript, AnyChart.js, and Open Weather Map API

  • Applied AnyChart.js library to display pie charts to depict the demographic of each UC school
  • Programmed the application to track the scrollTop value and used the classList to show correct information for each school
  • Incorporated live weather update for each school by calling an asynchronous function to fetch weather information from the Open Weather Map API


Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3

Libraries/Frameworks: React, Redux, Node, Ruby on Rails, jQuery

Web Tools: Git, Heroku, MongoDB, PostgreSQL